Submit full paper or abstract here.
- We will feed you back within three working days
- Pre-review and review about 15-20 days
- Notification letter will be mailed
- Re-edit paper according comments and register then
Any questions please mail conference secretary Hedy.
- The selection panel of the conference committee will consider all
papers or abstract received by the submission deadline to ensure that
the proposed submission is relevant to the Conference.
- Abstract selection notifications will be sent out to relevant
authors within five working days.
- All papers will be double-blind peer reviewed by members of
the conference committee to ensure an adequate standard, that the
proposed subject of the submission has been followed, that the paper is
of a suitable length, the standard of English is adequate and the paper
is appropriately referenced.
- For authors whose first language is not English, we request that you
have your work proof-read prior to submission by a native English
speaker (or at least a fluent English speaker).
- Papers that are accepted will be published in the WSSE conference
proceedings providing at least one author completes registration
(including payment) and presentation at the conference. see the registration section of the conference
website for more information about registration. The conference
proceedings is a book published with an ISBN.
This section provides information about how to submit the various types
of work for consideration. It should be read in conjunction with the Call
for Papers and also the Submission Types below.
For presentation only. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by
the committees, and accepted one will be included in the conference program
only, provided at the conference.
For publish paper, please send your full paper directly. Earlier
submission is encouraged as it helps us to manage the review process in a
timely manner. This is of particular importance if you will need a visa
to attend the conference.
Please download the template that explains the requirements in detail.
Papers not conforming to the conference style will be returned.
One regular registration covers papers within 10 Pages including all
figures, tables, and references. Extra pages will be charged.