History > The 3rd WSSE 2021


The 3rd World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2021) was held online successfully during Sep. 24-26, 2021 for continuing impact of COVID 19. WSSE 2021 is organized by Huaqiao University, co-sponsored by Wuhan University, University of Houston-Downtown, Science and Engineering Institute and technical supported by University of North Dakota, etc.

Accepted, registered and presented papers have been published in the ACM Conference Proceedings with ISBN 978-1-4503-8409-4.
Successfully online here:
Indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS within two month after online.

Let's share the amazing moment together.

This year, The conference chair Prof. Jin Gou from Huaqiao University made the opening remarks. And Prof. Hui Tian chaired the morning keynote speeches.


Then the IEEE Fellow, Prof. Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada delivered keynote speech Machine Learning and Granular Computing as a Framework of Design of Models of Quantitative Software Engineering, IEEE Fellow & ACM Fellow, Prof. Gul A Agha, National University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA delivered keynote speech Preventing Concurrency Bugs through Temporal Coordination Abstractions, and Prof. Ke Zhou, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China delivered keynote speech AI for Storage.

In the afternoon, conference co-chair Prof. Yulin Wang from Wuhan University chair the invite speech. Prof. Yonglei Tao, Grand Valley State University, USA delivered invite speech Integrating Adaptability into Interactive Applications, and Assoc. Prof. Yang Chen, Harbin Institute of Technology, China delivered invite speech Integrating Gamification into Language Learning Applications: Preferred Functions, Influences, and Design.  

Then six parallel sessions were held with Modern Information Theory and Technology, Image Analysis and Application, Software and Information Engineering, Knowledge and Education Engineering, Management and Service Science, etc.  

After the strict evaluation and score, one best oral presenter was selected for each session. Congratulations extend to winners below:

S3010-Zhong Tian, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, China
S3004-Ling Wang, State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, China
S2007-Jianxuan Zhao, Huaqiao University, China
S2009-Ming Fan, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
S1008-Sujuan Zou, Nanjing Normal University, China
S2014-Xing Li, Jianghan University, China

© WSSE 2025 | Okayama, Japan | Email: wsse@sciei.org